
smaug thumbnailWell sort of. First of all, I just released two new articles on the new Lake-town campaign map and how to get Bard’s gear, which drops from that map. So go ahead and read those first :). Secondly, the holiday season also meant for me I had to take some time away from the blog and spend it on other things, which is not a problem, but simply means I need to catch up with a few things here at a later moment in time.

Some of the older articles need some brushing up, I need to add all the new gear (Thorin’s Fur, Bilbo’s cloak etcetera), and I still have a list of articles to write altogether, such as the series about tournaments. I hope to have some time in the coming weeks to write and update some of these, and otherwise it will be January for most of the major articles.

Im also planing on partly overhauling the Hero Equipment AYNTK article, as the gear list at the bottom is getting rather unsightly and starts to deserve its own article and a make-over. And then we also have the Legendary Heroes with Legendary gear, which im still not sure should be with the other gear or in a separate article as well….

Ooh, and I am going to see the Hobbit movie this Friday as well, and probably will want to write something about it…

Enough to do, and so little time. Alas. I wish you all happy holidays and much fun and joy for Christmas and new year’s eve!! Thanks for reading.

3 thoughts on “News/update

  1. Enjoy your holidays as well! Hope you have lots of time with family and friends! Thanks for all the work you put into this site!!


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